לעי"נ L'iluy Nishmas שרה בת ר׳ יקותיאל ע"ה Mrs. Charlotte Rohr
Sara bas R. Yekutiel Yehuda a"h
10th of Cheshvan 5768
מסכת בבא מציעא דף כא

DEDICATED IN MEMORY OF R' Shlomie Bleier | בבא מציעא כא

Daf Intro

a. In daf כא of מסכת בבא מציעא begins אלו מציאות. This פרק covers the law of השבת אבידה, returning a lost object to its owner. It also specifics of how to announce the object, identify the owner, and the obligation to care for lost objects until the owner is found. b. The גמרא begins a discussion, on the next daf, with יאוש שלא מדעת can one take possession of a lost object, that has no סימן, even if the owner does not know it is missing? c. Key terms and concepts: 1. סימן - A mark or sign that make an object distinguishable allowing the owner to prove it is his. Therefore, the owner will not despair and relinquish its ownership. 2. יאוש - Despair when an owner has no way to identify the lost object, he releases it from his ownership and makes it ownerless. 3. לקט - One of the three Mitzvos of charity when harvesting produce. If one or two stalks fall from the hand while harvesting they may not pick them up, and must leave them for the poor.

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